Welcome to Bemiss Road Baptist Church's web site. The purpose for this ministry is to be an encouragement to Christians and to lead the lost to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that we will be a blessing to you today. We would enjoy hearing from you, so be sure to come for any of our services.

Service Times
Sunday School---------------9:45 AM
Sunday Morning------------11:00 AM
Sunday Evening--------------6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening-------- 7:00 PM
3307 Bemiss Road Valdosta, GA 31605
Bemiss Road Baptist Church is located on the north side of the City of Valdosta, Georgia. Our church facilities are located on a beautiful 10-acre track at the corner of Inner Perimeter Road and Bemiss Road.
Our Beliefs
In Scripture--------------- King James
In Salvation-------------- Grace Alone
In Music & Worship——Biblical
In Rapture—————Pretribulational
About Bemiss Road Baptist Church
There are more than 15,000 independent Baptist churches in America and at least 10,000 independent Baptist missionaries serving on mission fields worldwide. Every independent Baptist church is an autonomous congregation. We are self- governing and self-supporting. The head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice. It is our desire to be a true New Testament church.
At Bemiss Road Baptist Church, we have one message- the message of the Lord Jesus Christ, and one mission-the great commission. We endeavor to accomplish this weekly in our church services, Sunday School departments, and in our visitation efforts. Our church has many ministries in which to be involved so that everyone may have a part in spreading the gospel and accomplishing the will of God.